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Mukul Chadda, Rasika Dugal star in short film about of food conservation

The 68-second film, Zero Hunger, has been written, directed and produced by the actor's 14-year-old nephew, Neel Menon.

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Do you know that a third of the food produced globally is wasted? If you don't, Rasika Dugal and Mukul Chadda have teamed up to enlighten you about the importance of food conservation and distribution in a 68-second film, Zero Hunger. 

The short film was released online on Valentine's Day by the Robin Hood Army, a zero-funds volunteer organization on its Instagram page. It was written, directed and produced at home by Neel Menon, a 14-year-old filmmaker and nephew of Chadda. Zero Hunger was initially made for a school project dealing with the United Nations' sustainable development goal of zero hunger. 


A post shared by Robin Hood Army (@rha_india)

On being asked about working with the young filmmaker, Chadda and Dugal said in a statement, "We were both excited by the idea that Neel brought to us. It was simple, quirky, and powerful in its messaging. We were very impressed with how clear he was with his directions and what he wanted from every shot. At no point did we treat him any differently than we do with any other director. It was an absolute pleasure to work with him for such a thought-provoking short film."

Dugal and Chadda worked together in a short film titled Banana Bread, which they both co-wrote.

This is not the first project Menon has worked on though. Last week, his documentary Girls Should Stay At Home bagged the Best Documentary Award at San Diego International Kids Film Festival. It has also won awards in other film festivals around the world.